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Colombia Partners

Fundación Natura
Fundación Natura (FN) is a non-governmental organization based in Bogotá. Fundación Natura was created in 1983 for the purposes of: contributing towards the conservation of close to 10 percent of the planet's diversity (as calculated for Colombia); searching for sustainable alternatives for natural resource use in areas of the highest biodiversity; and, finding alternatives for preserving biological wealth through the creation of sources of income and social welfare. The Foundation is responsible for project implementation at three of the four Colombian Parks in Peril sites, including Chingaza National Park. 
Read about La Paya National Natural Park...Chingaza National Park..., and Cahuinari National Park...

Executive Director: Elsa Matilde Escobar
Address: Bogotá, D.C. COLOMBIA
Telephone: (57-1) 3456-188
Fax: (57-1) 249-9474
Web site:

Additional Offices:
Quibdo: Telephone: (57-1) 248-5820
Nuqui: Telephone: (57-1) 345-1216
Bahia Solano (Choco, Col.): Telephone: (57-1) 345-1042
Encino (Santander, Col.): Telephone: (57-1) 346-1382

Fundación Pro-Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (FPSNSM)
The Fundación Pro-Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (FPSNSM) is a non-governmental organization that works in conjunction with the national parks agency in the Ministry of the Environment. The Foundation was created in 1986 with the mission of researching, conserving, and protecting the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta while promoting sustainable development of its ecological and cultural heritage. FPSNSM enhances its efforts by collaborating with local communities and government agencies.
Read more about Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta...

Executive Director: María Camila Diaz Granados
Address: Calle 17 #3-83 Santa Marta, COLOMBIA
Telephone: (57-5) 4211746
Fax: (57-5) 4315589
Web page:

Read more about Colombia...